4 months go by and still nothing to say...
One update would obviously be that I am now employed! I'm back in sales, which I have come to learn I love. I'm very excited about the company I joined and look forward to a long stay with them! Still single, of course. The dating game is getting a little bit better though. I've had 3 dates in the past week and a half and i'm 2 for 3. I'm just not sure though. There is something in me that is scared to death to take the next step. In these cases, the next step would be a 2nd date. Is it that I'm so used to the way my life is, I'm afraid to add someone else to the mix or even worse, have my heart broken again? Or is it just because I haven't met the right guy yet? I'm pretty happy with the way my life is right now. I'm stable, happy and have a great group of friends. The perfect scenerio for a boyfriend to be thrown in. Hmmm...not sure what's goin on there!
Ok...so wedding season is among us! I have a friend from college getting married March 11 and I'm really excited about it. A little college reunion! I asked a friend of mine to be my date b/c he is soooo much fun to go with and he already knows all of my college friends!

Did I happen to mention that today was Valentines Day? I got one "valentine" and it was in an email! LAME!!!! I'm having dessert and wine with my neighbor tonight b/c her husband is out of town! Maybe next year...

So I'm FINALLY going to NYC! My birthday weekend, the girls and I are heading out to party it up in NYC! I'm soooo excited! Finally a trip somewhere outside of Texas! If anyone knows of any cool places we HAVE to visit while we are there, let me know...besides the obvious tourist sights, of course!
Ok...have a great Valentines Day and I'll be more up to date on my postings!!!