Nostradamus Ate My Hamster

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

One of those lives...

UGH! I know my job isn't extremely stressful, but I really need some time away! I'm to the point of tears because I feel like I live my life here!

Now I'll go and prepare for another 9-10 hour day tomorrow! yay.

All I've ever wanted was an honest week's pay for an honest day's work! is absolutely crazy today! Writing on this blog is my little escape from the crazy emails and phone calls that are bombarding my desk! AAGGHH!! Although, if it were quiet, work wouldn't be so fun and it would drag on forever! I like that people depend on me to help them out and put fires out! I like feeling needed! Now if they could compensate me properly, that would be fabulous! :) We do have a Happy Hour tonight so hopefully that will go off well! It's a little marketing experiment we are trying to see about acquiring new business!! YAY!

Did I mention that I'm a cheerleading coach? Yea, for 6 kindergarteners and 1st graders! I have their uniforms all picked out (the one on the far right except with EAGLES instead of Tigers - but the same colors....soooo cute)!!! They are going to a mini cheer camp at the end of the month! I'm so excited! I desperately need an asst. coach, though, b/c Kristin's wedding falls on a game day! AGGHH!!! I'll keep this updated on how our games and camp goes! GO ALLEN EAGLES!!!! DIVISION 1 FLAG FOOTBALL!! WOOHOO!!!

My class reunion is in a week and a half and I'm going alone. I have a couple of friends who are going so we've agreed to travel together - I don't think Dave is very excited about being the only guy with us, but he put up with us all through HS so I'm sure he'll be just fine!

Anyway, I'm being too chatty and there are emails waiting to be answered! Have a great day!

Monday, July 16, 2007

I need...

a pedicure - a maid - groceries - a bigger apartment - a plane ticket to ANYWHERE - a drink (with alcohol) - sleep - a tan

I have...

a great family - a fabulous job - lots of shoes - a puppy that loves me - one friend that would do anything for me and I for her - a $10 psychic - lots of purses - my belief in a wonderful God

Every now and then, I need to put things in perspective!!