First Timer...
Hey there! Just a short introduction...I'm Lisa, 26 y/o, single and living in Dallas, TX. I'm using this blog as more of a journal and a way to keep those close to me but far away up to date on my "oh so exciting" life rather than a general information source. Most of my thoughts on here will only pertain to me, but like I said, it's a journal so I'm using it to express some personal ideas and concerns...and hopefully saving my friendships since I won't be annoying them with this stuff so much!
Obviously, something sparked me to start this has just been very frustrating and it's only 11 am! I hate to see what the rest of the day has to offer. My paycheck won't be posted until tomorrow when I actually needed it yesterday. My poor little puppy needs some flea medicine. I learned the hard way not to ignore the gas light when it comes on for the .5 seconds it actually works b/c by golly, it WILL run out on ya! So if anyone was on Arapaho at the tollway yesterday around 5:30pm, I apologize for my car being stalled in the middle of traffic! Embarassing??? Why yes it was!
And of course, the life of a single girl wouldn't be complete without the angst of a guy. I am really interested in getting to know this guy that I met the other night, but who knows with this stupid dating game we play. What happened to the days of simple dating? Or was it ever? There is so much guess's quite exhausting! And I don't want to be the one who is pursuing anything b/c it's all about self preservation. The next time I mention anything will be b/c there is an actual update and not me just rambling and whining!!! :) I promise I'm a pretty upbeat, happy person 99% of the time!! Let's hope tomorrow is a better day!!!
(the picture is of Ewan, just in case you were wondering)
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